
Actor Simu

While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Actor Simu crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on April 24 2024 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Actor Simu has a total of 3 letters.

Hints & Tips

Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.

1. The first letter of the answer is: L


2. The last letter of the answer is: Y


3. There is 1 vowel in the hidden word:





of Lie, to recline.
Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother.
Not educated or cultivated; ignorant.
Not belonging to, or emanating from, a particular profession; unprofessional; as, a lay opinion regarding the nature of a disease.
The laity; the common people.
A meadow. See Lea.
Faith; creed; religious profession.
A law.
An obligation; a vow.
A song; a simple lyrical poem; a ballad.
A melody; any musical utterance.
To cause to lie down, to be prostrate, or to lie against something; to put or set down; to deposit; as, to lay a book on the table; to lay a body in the grave; a shower lays the dust.
To place in position; to establish firmly; to arrange with regularity; to dispose in ranks or tiers; as, to lay a corner stone; to lay bricks in a wall; to lay the covers on a table.
To prepare; to make ready; to contrive; to provide; as, to lay a snare, an ambush, or a plan.
To spread on a surface; as, to lay plaster or paint.
To cause to be still; to calm; to allay; to suppress; to exorcise, as an evil spirit.
To cause to lie dead or dying.
To deposit, as a wager; to stake; to risk.
To bring forth and deposit; as, to lay eggs.
To apply; to put.
To impose, as a burden, suffering, or punishment; to assess, as a tax; as, to lay a tax on land.
To impute; to charge; to allege.
To impose, as a command or a duty; as, to lay commands on one.
To present or offer; as, to lay an indictment in a particular county; to lay a scheme before one.
To state; to allege; as, to lay the venue.
To point; to aim; as, to lay a gun.
To put the strands of (a rope, a cable, etc.) in their proper places and twist or unite them; as, to lay a cable or rope.
To place and arrange (pages) for a form upon the imposing stone.
To place (new type) properly in the cases.
To produce and deposit eggs.
To take a position; to come or go; as, to lay forward; to lay aloft.
To lay a wager; to bet.
That which lies or is laid or is conceived of as having been laid or placed in its position; a row; a stratum; a layer; as, a lay of stone or wood.
A wager.
A job, price, or profit.
A share of the proceeds or profits of an enterprise; as, when a man ships for a whaling voyage, he agrees for a certain lay.
A measure of yarn; a lea. See 1st Lea (a).
The lathe of a loom. See Lathe, 3.
A plan; a scheme.
of Lie

The word LAY is a 3 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for LAY is: lay

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