- NYT Crossword
- October 14 2022
- Airport ticket info
Airport ticket info
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Airport ticket info crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on October 14 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Airport ticket info has a total of 4 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: G
2. The last letter of the answer is: E
3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:
• | A large door or passageway in the wall of a city, of an inclosed field or place, or of a grand edifice, etc.; also, the movable structure of timber, metal, etc., by which the passage can be closed. |
• | An opening for passage in any inclosing wall, fence, or barrier; or the suspended framework which closes or opens a passage. Also, figuratively, a means or way of entrance or of exit. |
• | A door, valve, or other device, for stopping the passage of water through a dam, lock, pipe, etc. |
• | The places which command the entrances or access; hence, place of vantage; power; might. |
• | In a lock tumbler, the opening for the stump of the bolt to pass through or into. |
• | The channel or opening through which metal is poured into the mold; the ingate. |
• | The waste piece of metal cast in the opening; a sprue or sullage piece. |
• | To supply with a gate. |
• | To punish by requiring to be within the gates at an earlier hour than usual. |
• | A way; a path; a road; a street (as in Highgate). |
• | Manner; gait. |
The word GATE is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for GATE is: gate
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