- NYT Crossword
- February 25 2023
- Far left or far right maybe
Far left or far right maybe
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Far left or far right maybe crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on February 25 2023 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Far left or far right maybe has a total of 4 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
• | Having considerable distance or extent between the sides; spacious across; much extended in a direction at right angles to that of length; not narrow; broad; as, wide cloth; a wide table; a wide highway; a wide bed; a wide hall or entry. |
• | Having a great extent every way; extended; spacious; broad; vast; extensive; as, a wide plain; the wide ocean; a wide difference. |
• | Of large scope; comprehensive; liberal; broad; as, wide views; a wide understanding. |
• | Of a certain measure between the sides; measuring in a direction at right angles to that of length; as, a table three feet wide. |
• | Remote; distant; far. |
• | Far from truth, from propriety, from necessity, or the like. |
• | On one side or the other of the mark; too far side-wise from the mark, the wicket, the batsman, etc. |
• | Made, as a vowel, with a less tense, and more open and relaxed, condition of the mouth organs; -- opposed to primary as used by Mr. Bell, and to narrow as used by Mr. Sweet. The effect, as explained by Mr. Bell, is due to the relaxation or tension of the pharynx; as explained by Mr. Sweet and others, it is due to the action of the tongue. The wide of / (/ve) is / (/ll); of a (ate) is / (/nd), etc. See Guide to Pronunciation, / 13-15. |
• | To a distance; far; widely; to a great distance or extent; as, his fame was spread wide. |
• | So as to leave or have a great space between the sides; so as to form a large opening. |
• | So as to be or strike far from, or on one side of, an object or purpose; aside; astray. |
• | That which is wide; wide space; width; extent. |
• | That which goes wide, or to one side of the mark. |
The word WIDE is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for WIDE is: wide
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