- NYT Mini Crossword
- July 24 2023
- Grouping of socks earrings or gloves
Grouping of socks earrings or gloves
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Grouping of socks earrings or gloves crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on July 24 2023 NYT Mini Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Grouping of socks earrings or gloves has a total of 4 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
• | A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together; a set; as, a pair or flight of stairs. "A pair of beads." Chaucer. Beau. & Fl. "Four pair of stairs." Macaulay. [Now mostly or quite disused, except as to stairs.] |
• | Two things of a kind, similar in form, suited to each other, and intended to be used together; as, a pair of gloves or stockings; a pair of shoes. |
• | Two of a sort; a span; a yoke; a couple; a brace; as, a pair of horses; a pair of oxen. |
• | A married couple; a man and wife. |
• | A single thing, composed of two pieces fitted to each other and used together; as, a pair of scissors; a pair of tongs; a pair of bellows. |
• | Two members of opposite parties or opinion, as in a parliamentary body, who mutually agree not to vote on a given question, or on issues of a party nature during a specified time; as, there were two pairs on the final vote. |
• | In a mechanism, two elements, or bodies, which are so applied to each other as to mutually constrain relative motion. |
• | To be joined in paris; to couple; to mate, as for breeding. |
• | To suit; to fit, as a counterpart. |
• | Same as To pair off. See phrase below. |
• | To unite in couples; to form a pair of; to bring together, as things which belong together, or which complement, or are adapted to one another. |
• | To engage (one's self) with another of opposite opinions not to vote on a particular question or class of questions. |
• | To impair. |
The word PAIR is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for PAIR is: pair
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