- NYT Crossword
- October 6 2022
- How things have always been done
How things have always been done
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: How things have always been done crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on October 6 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for How things have always been done has a total of 9 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: T
2. The last letter of the answer is: N
3. There are 4 vowels in the hidden word:
• | The act of delivering into the hands of another; delivery. |
• | The unwritten or oral delivery of information, opinions, doctrines, practices, rites, and customs, from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; the transmission of any knowledge, opinions, or practice, from forefathers to descendants by oral communication, without written memorials. |
• | Hence, that which is transmitted orally from father to son, or from ancestors to posterity; knowledge or belief transmitted without the aid of written memorials; custom or practice long observed. |
• | An unwritten code of law represented to have been given by God to Moses on Sinai. |
• | That body of doctrine and discipline, or any article thereof, supposed to have been put forth by Christ or his apostles, and not committed to writing. |
• | To transmit by way of tradition; to hand down. |
The word TRADITION is a 9 letter word that has 3 syllable's. The syllable division for TRADITION is: tra-di-tion
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