- NYT Crossword
- December 16 2024
- Like lines / that rhyme / and keep / good time
Like lines / that rhyme / and keep / good time
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Like lines / that rhyme / and keep / good time crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on December 16 2024 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Like lines / that rhyme / and keep / good time has a total of 4 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: S
2. The last letter of the answer is: T
3. There is 1 vowel in the hidden word:
• | A mark on a substance or body made by foreign matter; a blot; a place discolored. |
• | A stain on character or reputation; something that soils purity; disgrace; reproach; fault; blemish. |
• | A small part of a different color from the main part, or from the ground upon which it is; as, the spots of a leopard; the spots on a playing card. |
• | A small extent of space; a place; any particular place. |
• | A variety of the common domestic pigeon, so called from a spot on its head just above its beak. |
• | A sciaenoid food fish (Liostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. It has a black spot behind the shoulders and fifteen oblique dark bars on the sides. Called also goody, Lafayette, masooka, and old wife. |
• | The southern redfish, or red horse, which has a spot on each side at the base of the tail. See Redfish. |
• | Commodities, as merchandise and cotton, sold for immediate delivery. |
• | To make visible marks upon with some foreign matter; to discolor in or with spots; to stain; to cover with spots or figures; as, to spot a garnment; to spot paper. |
• | To mark or note so as to insure recognition; to recognize; to detect; as, to spot a criminal. |
• | To stain; to blemish; to taint; to disgrace; to tarnish, as reputation; to asperse. |
• | To become stained with spots. |
The word SPOT is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for SPOT is: spot
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