- NYT Crossword
- February 27 2022
- Onetime dentists supply
Onetime dentists supply
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Onetime dentists supply crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on February 27 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Onetime dentists supply has a total of 5 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: E
2. The last letter of the answer is: R
3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:
• | A medium of great elasticity and extreme tenuity, supposed to pervade all space, the interior of solid bodies not excepted, and to be the medium of transmission of light and heat; hence often called luminiferous ether. |
• | Supposed matter above the air; the air itself. |
• | A light, volatile, mobile, inflammable liquid, (C2H5)2O, of a characteristic aromatic odor, obtained by the distillation of alcohol with sulphuric acid, and hence called also sulphuric ether. It is powerful solvent of fats, resins, and pyroxylin, but finds its chief use as an anaesthetic. Called also ethyl oxide. |
• | Any similar oxide of hydrocarbon radicals; as, amyl ether; valeric ether. |
The word ETHER is a 5 letter word that has 2 syllable's. The syllable division for ETHER is: e-ther
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