- NYT Crossword
- December 21 2022
- Reduce
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Reduce crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on December 21 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Reduce has a total of 5 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: L
2. The last letter of the answer is: R
3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:
• | Compar. of Low, a. |
• | To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down; as, to lower a bucket into a well; to lower a sail or a boat; sometimes, to pull down; as, to lower a flag. |
• | To reduce the height of; as, to lower a fence or wall; to lower a chimney or turret. |
• | To depress as to direction; as, to lower the aim of a gun; to make less elevated as to object; as, to lower one's ambition, aspirations, or hopes. |
• | To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of; as, to lower the temperature of anything; to lower one's vitality; to lower distilled liquors. |
• | To bring down; to humble; as, to lower one's pride. |
• | To reduce in value, amount, etc. ; as, to lower the price of goods, the rate of interest, etc. |
• | To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease; as, the river lowered as rapidly as it rose. |
• | To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds; to be covered with dark and threatening clouds, as the sky; to show threatening signs of approach, as a tempest. |
• | To frown; to look sullen. |
• | Cloudiness; gloominess. |
• | A frowning; sullenness. |
The word LOWER is a 5 letter word that has 2 syllable's. The syllable division for LOWER is: low-er
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