

While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Unoccupied crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on March 10 2025 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Unoccupied has a total of 4 letters.

Hints & Tips

Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.

1. The first letter of the answer is: F


2. The last letter of the answer is: E


3. There are 2 vowels in the hidden word:





Exempt from subjection to the will of others; not under restraint, control, or compulsion; able to follow one's own impulses, desires, or inclinations; determining one's own course of action; not dependent; at liberty.
Not under an arbitrary or despotic government; subject only to fixed laws regularly and fairly administered, and defended by them from encroachments upon natural or acquired rights; enjoying political liberty.
Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master.
Not confined or imprisoned; released from arrest; liberated; at liberty to go.
Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity; capable of voluntary activity; endowed with moral liberty; -- said of the will.
Clear of offense or crime; guiltless; innocent.
Unconstrained by timidity or distrust; unreserved; ingenuous; frank; familiar; communicative.
Unrestrained; immoderate; lavish; licentious; -- used in a bad sense.
Not close or parsimonious; liberal; open-handed; lavish; as, free with his money.
Exempt; clear; released; liberated; not encumbered or troubled with; as, free from pain; free from a burden; -- followed by from, or, rarely, by of.
Characteristic of one acting without restraint; charming; easy.
Ready; eager; acting without spurring or whipping; spirited; as, a free horse.
Invested with a particular freedom or franchise; enjoying certain immunities or privileges; admitted to special rights; -- followed by of.
Thrown open, or made accessible, to all; to be enjoyed without limitations; unrestricted; not obstructed, engrossed, or appropriated; open; -- said of a thing to be possessed or enjoyed; as, a free school.
Not gained by importunity or purchase; gratuitous; spontaneous; as, free admission; a free gift.
Not arbitrary or despotic; assuring liberty; defending individual rights against encroachment by any person or class; instituted by a free people; -- said of a government, institutions, etc.
Certain or honorable; the opposite of base; as, free service; free socage.
Privileged or individual; the opposite of common; as, a free fishery; a free warren.
Not united or combined with anything else; separated; dissevered; unattached; at liberty to escape; as, free carbonic acid gas; free cells.
Freely; willingly.
Without charge; as, children admitted free.
To make free; to set at liberty; to rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, oppresses, etc.; to release; to disengage; to clear; -- followed by from, and sometimes by off; as, to free a captive or a slave; to be freed of these inconveniences.
To remove, as something that confines or bars; to relieve from the constraint of.
To frank.

The word FREE is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for FREE is: free

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